Our office hours are between 9.00am and 5.00pm, Monday to Friday. Our offices close between 12.30-1.30pm each day.
After Hours
For after-hours emergency repairs and maintenance relating to the common property please contact the below tradespeople and advise your Strata Manager on the next business day.
The listed tradespeople will be able to help you determine what the problem may be and whether an emergency repair is required.
North Sydney Office Emergency Trades
Citiwide Electrical 0412 073 185
Glenco Electrical (02) 9700 9996
Express Glass 1300 666 234
Bells Locksmiths (02) 9357 2333
Eastern Suburbs Locksmiths (02) 9389 5266
Sydney’s Plumbing Specialists (02) 9002 7332
Cronulla Office Emergency Trades
Limitless Trades 0451 341 367
Joel Hardcastle Electrician 0407 182 002
Cowan Electrical 02 9524 8459
Dominator Garage Doors 02 9758 7588
Allgate Automation 1300 655 600
Express Glass 1300 666 234
At Call Locksmiths 1300 242 255
Galtee Plumbing 0410 786 134
Sydney Drain Clearing and Plumbing 0417 281 194
Roof Wrangler 0406 060 480​
Dynamic Tree Service 0407 622 227
- Be aware that contacting emergency tradespeople after standard business hours, on weekends, public holidays or during the Christmas/New Year period may incur a surcharge. Where appropriate, tradespeople should be directed to complete urgent "MAKE SAFE" repairs and quote for remaining works to be completed during regular hours.
Please use the above emergency contacts only if your building does not have a Building Manager.
Your building may have its own preferred list of emergency and regular trades. You should consult with your Building Manager, Strata Committee or Strata Manager to check if this is the case.
If you call the after-hours contact, you agree to pay the cost of the callout should your situation not be an after-hours emergency or if it is not related to common property.
3 Steps to Transition to Strata Management Services NSW
Contact us or request a call back so that we can discuss your requirements and provide you with a detailed quote.
Once you feel confident about everything and are ready to appoint our company, you will need to convene a General Meeting and pass the required motions by the majority of owners, either in person, by proxy or by written vote.
We will arrange this for you.
Once we receive the minutes and the signed Strata Management Agreement, we will provide the outgoing agent with all necessary paperwork and commence the hand-over and transition of your records to our office.
For a confidential and obligation free quote, contact us or request a quote, and we will contact you within the next business day to discuss your requirements.

“Strata Management Services NSW recently took over the strata management of our Strata Scheme. They effected a seamless transition for us from our previous Strata Manager, have provided advice and guidelines to assist the Strata Committee to carry out its duties more transparently and effectively and have acted immediately and supportively in response to any requests or directions from the Committee.”
Strata Committee – Redfern, NSW

“Thank you so much for all of your assistance and everything you have done to assist a bunch of people who had absolutely no idea whatsoever how to run strata. Without your efforts and advice, our complex would have been a horror to manage and would not be in as good a shape today as it is. if I am ever asked if I know of any “top-class strata manger” I will certainly pass on your details.
Thanks once again!”
Strata Committee Member – Sylvania, NSW
“We have been using Strata Management Services for years and we've enjoyed a great working relationship with them. The staff has a professional and friendly manner with all the owners and tenants. Their legal knowledge and management advice makes it easy to keep our building running like clockwork. They're always quick to respond to any big problems down to the smallest queries with an open mind and line of communication.”
Strata Committee Secretary – Bellevue Hill, NSW

“Many of us were chatting after the meeting and we all agreed that you are the best strata manager we have ever had.”
Strata Committee Treasurer – North Sydney, NSW

Real Estate Institute NSW
Useful Strata resources from the peak property services industry body.
NSW Fair Trading
Useful fact sheets from the NSW Government administrator of the Strata Laws.
NSW Land Registry Services
NSW Government Department is responsible for land titles, property information, valuation, surveying, and mapping and spatial information.
NSW Consumer and Administrative Tribunal
The one-stop-shop for disputes about Strata and Community Schemes.
Local Government Councils in NSW
A list of all NSW councils.
Strata Schemes Management Act 2015
Legislation for Strata Schemes in NSW.
Strata Schemes Management Regulations 2016
Regulations for Strata Schemes in NSW.
Community Land Management Act 1989
Legislation for Community and Neighbourhood Schemes in NSW.
Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 No 203
EPA Legislation.
Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 2000 – Regulations
EPA Regulations.
Interpretations Act 1987
Rules for the interpretation of Australian Acts.
Dividing Fences Act 1991
Legislation about contribution to the construction, replacement, repair or maintenance of a dividing fence.
Privacy Statement
Please note: the information provided is available to our office staff, and (as required by Law) registered owners and mortgagors and other persons legally authorised to access the Strata Schemes records.
Proxy Forms
If you are an owner and cannot attend an upcoming Owners Corporation meeting, you can complete and return the relevant proxy form 24 hours before the General Meeting, to transfer your voting to another person who can attend the meeting.
Strata Committee Forms
Strata Committee Nominee
To nominate yourself or someone else for a position on the committee at the next Annual General Meeting, complete and return this form.
Appointment of Acting Strata Committee Member
If you are a Strata Committee member and cannot attend an upcoming Strata Committee meeting, you can complete and return this form to transfer your voting to another person who can attend the meeting, subject to the consent of the Strata Committee.
Notification Forms
Notification of Owner Details
To change your address and/or contact details, please complete and return this form to ensure we have your up-to-date information on file.
Authority to Email
To have your levy and meeting notices/minutes emailed to you, please complete and return this form to get started.
To notify our office of a potentially claimable event, please complete this form in full and return it to your Strata Manager who will follow up with any necessary steps.
Application Forms
Pet Application
Download and complete this form, then submit to your Strata Manager to start the process.
Renovation Application
Download, read, complete and submit this form to your Strata Manager if you wish to undertake any renovations
Owner Reimbursement Request
Download, complete and submit this form, along with relevant supporting documentation, to your Strata Manager if you wish to request reimbursement for expenses incurred.
6 convenient ways to pay your strata levies

Please use the form below to enter your contact details and preferred ways to receive correspondence and levies.